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Top 4 features to look for in above store restaurant management software


Managing a restaurant is (if you'll pardon the food pun) no piece of cake. In fact, you often deal with tough cookies. And it’s even harder when you don’t have data or software automation to back your management decisions. That’s why every restaurant needs management software.

Restaurant management software gives you a superior vision for your QSR. It helps you see strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. The best software solutions roll all necessary status information up into an easy-to-use format.

Whether you're adding restaurant management software for the first time or it's time for an upgrade, there are four essential features of the best software choices.

Ease of use across platforms

Software is only valuable if you use it. In most cases, you won’t be the sole user, either. Your managers and above store leaders will be checking, updating, and using your restaurant management software in a variety of situations. This means it’s essential for it to work well on their computers and on smartphones.

Cloud vs. local storage

For years, local storage was the only option and it’s still a good option for very small operations. However, a cloud-based solution will allow you to do much more. Cloud solutions allow multiple systems to talk to each other easily and let you share data from all of your locations in one place. If you’re a franchisor, a larger franchisee, or are planning to grow, then a cloud-based solution might be best for you.

Inventory tracking and control

Keeping track of inventory by hand or through spreadsheets is difficult, time-consuming, and not all too accurate. A good restaurant management software will take at least some of this work off of your plate. By integrating with your POS and BOH systems, it should automatically subtract items sold from your inventory, thus eliminating the tedium of calculating product variances. This feature saves time and helps you to create more accurate inventory forecasts.

Range of reporting options

Analyzing data is an easy way to identify quick wins for your restaurant, but putting together reports requires skill and time. When choosing your restaurant management software, look at the reporting options that each software offers. Will they help you track basic things like sales, inventory, productivity, speed of service, and customer satisfaction? Choosing a solution with powerful reporting options is a great way to get the most from your restaurant management software.

There are a lot of other features to consider when choosing your software, but these four will serve you in the long run. So, we recommend prioritizing them during your search.

Ready to make your choice?

Choosing the right restaurant management software can revolutionize the way that you do business. Many of our clients have been happy to see how a solution like Delaget Coach helps them to make smarter decisions, cut waste, and increase employee productivity. If you want to invest in your QSR’s future, then we suggest you give it a try, too.


Learn how Delaget saves you 15+ hours each week and make sense of your restaurant data.